When you have Momentum…Embrace it!
Members want to be part of successful, thriving groups. To get a group clicking you have to embrace the process and master the fundamentals. Then one day it all clicks. The meetings are more fun and referral volume goes up. Occasionally I’ve seen groups waste momentum, because they relax too much when they get there. I encourage you as an individual and as a group that when you have momentum…..Embrace it and run with it.
Momentum in a group builds upon itself & will set you up for future opportunities.
When you have momentum it is a good time to….
1. Keep doing the basics
-Face-to-Face meetings
-High attendance rate(85-90%)
-Focus on helping others
-Run good meetings, & have fun doing it!
2. Build your invite pipeline
-As you invite people add them to the Recruitment tab. There is no better time to have guests than when things are going well. Don’t worry about if a guest is a prospective member. Just invite.
When you don’t have momentum work on creating it by…
1. Focus on getting the basics down.
-Learn to run better meetings and focus on activities that create referral opportunities.
-Referrals are often simply a byproduct of doing things the right way consistently.
2. Run a contest (contact us, we have several templates)
3. Players only (pre/post) invite session
-Recently we had a group that did this with great success. What they did:
-They took 30 minutes post meeting and just worked the recruiting template list. They came up with 35+ names.
-Made the invites (calls, emails, texts) while they were there together & added them to the Recruitment tab so it was easy to make updates later.
-Over the next 3 meetings that had 10+ guests and over the next 3-4 months that had added 5+ new members who have become great new referral sources. They are continuing to grow and have built a solid group.
Recently we shot a video that talks about what areas we observe our best groups doing consistently to keep momentum. If you’d like more on creating and maintaining momentum I encourage you to check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ3_QD0MtIs&t=44s