What is working to generate guests

Our groups that have the most guests have a few things in common:

1. They spend 3 minutes getting invites out at every meeting
-1 Minute: Brainstorm professions to invite. Write them down. Put on AV screen, dry erase board, etc
-recruitment chair texts out invite script & everyone cuts/pastes and sends an invite to one person
-90 seconds: Get invites out, then…
Then, go around the room….Ask members what profession they invited.  It works & guests like seeing a pro-active group that has a plan to continue to grow.

2. Utilize social media to ask for referrals to local professionals
See examples below. All of these posts generated 2+ guests to each group.

3. They don’t just send invites to people they konw. They’ll look at:
-who solicits their home or business
-wrapped vehicles
-who consistently gets tagged on neighborhood, real estate, other community pages
-Use the advanced LinkedIn search to target specific professions they want
-Do the COI exercise during a meeting
*Ask every member to name the:
-top 2 professions they can receieve referrals from
-the top 2 professions they can give to. Write it down and see what spots are missing from your group

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