Pro Tips/Life hacks for your Referrals Group membership

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My 14 year old is constantly watching YouTube videos and saying “Hey Dad did you know there is a life hack for _____?”   So, it got me thinking about what are some membership hacks that most of our members either don’t know about or have forgotten.  Here is a starting list.

Membership Hacks/Pro Tips

  1. Use your BIO not only when you speak but also during your Face-to-Face meetings

Video:  BIO Tips   

  1. Face-to-Face meetings with guests

-ask them while you are together at the meeting

-reach out prior to them visiting.  You can reach out once you get the registration email.  It works!

  1. Your chapter meeting is a working meeting Bring your laptop, tablet, etc

During the meeting:  update referrals, add revenue, invite guests, setup face-to-face meetings, update your BIO, try to setup referrals for other members

  1. From the chapter roster tab you can:

-add all members contact info “VCF” to your contacts in one click

-email your group

  1. Add all annual meeting todays to your calendar. Treat the meeting like a meeting with a client.  Come prepared & ready to go!
  2. Schedule time on your calendar to review active/pending referrals. You probably need 15-20 minutes on your calendar each month to follow-up on referrals both given & received.
  3. Don’t adjust/dumb down your 60 second for the guest(s). Stay specific about your needs, triggers that drive opportunities, &/or a recent client story.     Video: end of meeting 60 sec tips
  1. Put your iphone Settings on autofill. It will help autofill contact info when you are:

-Sending a referral

-logging into

-adding a guest to invite in recruitment tab

  1. Stay within the boundaries of the meeting agenda

-Remember there is a why behind the what of the meeting structure.

-Have the hard conversations pre/post meeting or in your chapter members only board meetings.

-We want the meeting to be fun and productive.  Find the balance….you can do both


This isn’t everything out there just a starting point.  If you have a specific tip that has worked well for you in your group that you’d like to share please let me know about it.  Shoot me your hack/pro tip to

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