Officer transitions- Typical process

The majority of our groups transition the chairperson role on either January 1 or July 1.   Here is a quick guide on the process & role.  I also recommend checking your bylaws prior to proceeding.

Typical process for new officer selection

Nomination process:  @last meeting in November or first meeting in December (or last of May, first of June)
-Give each member a ballot.  Remind folks of chairperson role
-Ask each member to nominate two members that they think might be a good fit.  members can self nominate, but outgoing chair is ineligible.

Collection/Tally process (Secret Ballot)
-Tally the votes and send it over to me.
-I will talk to nominated candidates to see if this is a good fit for them and answer questions they have.

Chair Role
1- Runs the meetings
2- be at 90% of meetings during your term
3- lead board meetings, coordinate new member membership interviews (delegate to recruiting coordinator) and call meetings as necessary.
4- Appoint: 
  -2 recruitment chairs
  -education chair
5- Communicate well with The Referrals Group about needs of the group, concerns, & successes.

Once we have the team in place The Referrals Group will schedule time to do goal setting & new officer training (usually 45 minutes) to insure the leaders know their roles & have a plan in place for their term.

Personality Types that fit each position
I could spend hours on this and not do it justice.  Nor am I an expert in this.  this is an oversimplicationof your predominat business personality trait.

Ideal personality types Group positions:
Chair:  D or I
Recruitment #1(facilitates invites in meeting):  C or D
Recruitment #2(greets guests & coordinates followup):  I or S  
Education:  any work, but S is great        
Social:  I or S providing they can pick a date/location

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