Momentum Heading into the Fall

Fall is a great time in our groups.  I’ve noticed over the years that once kids go back to school our Referral Groups get out of summer mode and start really getting into a solid routine.  Our attendance rate goes way up in the fall (usually above 85% across the board), referral volume grows, F-2-F meetings go up, and so does guest volume.

As we enter the fall, I encourage our groups to focus on a few things:

1- Be Ready to go
-Talk about referrals given/received, guests invited, testimonials, & successes
-log alumni, guest, & spinoff referrals

2- Bring Energy & Enthusiasm to each meeting
-Sometimes you need the meeting & sometimes the meeting needs you!

3-Fight against getting too comfortable
-Keep a 1st Impression focus & mindset
-Prep for meetings like you would for a meeting with a prospective client
-Have process for greeting guests

4- Face-to-Face meetings
-Reach out to someone you haven’t sent a referral to in 3-4 months.  Schedule time with them!
-Schedule a 20-30 minute face-to-face with your top referral source to “check in”
-Average 1 face-to-face meeting between each meeting

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