Small Group F-2-F meetings

Printable PDF- Small Group F-2-F meetings

I encourage you as group to do some “small group” F-2-F meetings with 3-4 other members.  These work especially well when you have 3-4 people together that share the same target market and professions that are good COIs.

It is really productive to be specific on targets and needs in these meetings   Then take some shots to setup a few introductions for each other while together.  The larger your groups become the more critical these small group F-2-F meetings become.

Attached you find some examples from several of you from a few years ago.  Might help you structure your asks for these.

1- Focused Meeting Prep sheet
2- F-to-F Guide +COI Intro guide

Remember to:  focus on in ALL OF YOUR F-2-F meetings, presentations, 60 secs, pre/post meeting conversations on your:
1-Target Market
2-Triggers/What to Listen for
*what is going on in someone’s life or business that is an opportunity for us to bring you up in conversation
4-Center of Influences(COI’s)/Referral Sources
*give us your top 5 by professions you need introductions to
5-Specific Targets
-individual people or companies you want to meet

And….log all of the F-2-F’s so they are on the referral report!

Action: At your meeting (or an upcoming one) block 5 minutes in the middle of the meeting for members to get their calendars out and setup a small group meeting.


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