Rank Your Chapter Exercise

This is a good tool to evaluate your strengths & weaknesses as a group.  It is a good exercise to be done by the entire group or just the officers of the group.
How to faciliate this: 
 1- Print up copies of the Rate Your Chapter PDF  form for all members
  *You can also send in advance, but if so still bring copies
 2- Bring Inkpens.  *if you don’t people won’t have them
 3- Move Education spot to both beginning/end of meeting
 Beginning of Meeting
 -Put handouts & pens out pre-meeting
 -Share with members that we are doing a Rate Your Chapter exericse today.  As we go through the meeting…rank us.  Don’t overthink it.  Don’t be too crtical or too lenient.
End of Meeting…during Annoucements/Reminders section of agenda
 -Make sure education chair has 4-5 minutes (ideally before you do outros/60 secs)
 -Have every member share scores and the 1-2 things you think we do best as a group and 1-2 things we can improve in.  Keep mind you will get a wide variance in the scores based on personality types/membership experiences from each invidual member.
This is meant to be a reflective, self-improvement exercise.  Please feel free to share results with us and if there areas you want to implememt as a result of doing this……Let us know!

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