Don’t be an “All Hat, No Cattle” group with recruitment

PDF/Printable: Don’t be an “All Hat No Cattle” group with recruitment

My dad loves western movies/series.  One of the phrases he used to say to us would be “that person is all hat, no cattle,” which is a reference to someone who is all talk with no action, power, or substance behind his/her words.

Too often I see our groups that are struggling to grow that run the recruitment section of the meeting like this.  They are all talk, no action.  They talk about guests, recruitment, etc, but end up doing nothing in the meeting so nothing materializes from it.

The recruitment section of the meeting is an action portion of the meeting.  It should be 5 minutes long.  Run a timer to stay on track, but also to use all the time.  There are 3 things that should happen in this section.

Prior to recruitment section do this: 
Recruitment chair sends out invite script….example below via group text or email.
**We recommend doing this at the start of the meeting**

Suggested invite script example:

I work with a few other local business professionals.  We help each other pass referrals & share marketing ideas.  I think you might enjoy our format and I will introduce you around.  We meet at Berkshire Hathaway 171 Prosperous Pl. in Lexington from 8:30-9:45am

Would you like to come as my guest on Oct 9 or 23?

Do these 3 things in every meeting…..5 minutes at every meeting & use the timer to stay on track
1- Two Minutes: Brainstorm professions to invite.  Write them down.  Put on AV screen, dry erase board, etc.
2-  90 seconds Get invites out, then…Go around the room….Ask members what profession they invited.
-Think rapid fire.  Don’t need their life story, just “I invited _________, they are a remodeler.”
-Invites are a #’s game
3- Final 90 seconds:  Updates on past guests  (info in Recruitment tab, put up on TV/AV screen)
-Who do we need invite back?
-Who do we need to do a Face-2-Face with to get to know better (assign members)?”
-Who are we ready to vote on for membership?”

1-Send out invite script at start prior to recruitment section
-Save it in your contacts as “Referrals Group invite script”  You just have to change the meeting dates each time.
2-Assign 2 members to each guest to reach out for a F-2-F meeting
-Don’t assume it will always naturally happen.
-Match people up based on who can/give receive from that profession/person.

You will add high quality members over time when you do this at each meeting providing that your group:
-Runs energetic, productive meetings
-Members arrive on-time/early to set a good first impression
-Referrals & revenue are logged
-Use your F-2-F meetings with guests to “get to know them” vs “sell the group”

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